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Bridget Kearney and Benjamin Lazar Davis Official Store

Still Flying Signed LP


Minimally equipped with a guitar, recording console and a tiny toy keyboard, longtime friends Benjamin Lazar Davis and Lake Street Dive's Bridget Kearney trekked to West Africa and struck up a collaboration with Stevo Atambire, legendary Ghanaian musician/master of the kologo. The duo's full-length debut, Still Flying, features 11insightfully crafted songs, reimagining traditional gyil parts and drum patterns in the context of their own graceful collision of folk and pop and indie-rock.

1. Endings/Beginnings(feat. Stevo Atambire)
2. Dog Teeth
3. Still Flying(feat. Stevo Atambire)
4. Wowo Nmaa (feat. Aaron Bebe Sukura)
5. The Weatherman
6. Say Something (feat. Stevo Atambire)
7. Earthly Joys (feat. Stevo Atambire)
8. I Can Hear You
9. Debozir (feat. Aaron Bebe Sukura)
10. Beethoven’s Ninth (feat. Stevo Atambire)
11. Don’t Bring Me Down


Please Note: This product does NOT include a digital download.

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